Australian Ford Forums

Donating Members.

After a long time, a lot of requests and even more debate; we have decided to introduce a donating members forum for those who wish to support this site in a practical manner.

Operationally, this site is fully funded well into the future - this means we can meet our server and bandwidth costs; allow for reasonable upgrades to both as required and cover the basic day to day expenses.

However it is the other things like trophies, awards and events costs that end up coming out of someone's pocket and these should really be funded by the forum as part of the operational costs.

This is a non profit operation and as such any excess funds will be used to benefit the membership in some form determined by the admin team.

Please note that there will be a 90 day active membership limit before eligibility to join the DM ranks although individual cases will be reviewed on their merits.

The Levels

We have set three levels of benefits for donating members based on the amount each individual wishes to contribute and these are:

Donating Member - $ 20

Larger avatar (150x150)
DM Tag
Access to DM forum for 12 months
Gallery space increased to 20 Mb and the daily post limit increased to 20.
Attachment storage increased to 2.5 Mb.
PM storage increased to 200.

Gold Donating Member - $ 50

Larger avatar (150x150)
Gold DM Tag
Access to DM forum for 12 months
Gallery space increased to 20 Mb and the daily post limit increased to 20.
Attachment storage increased to 2.5 Mb.
PM storage increased to 200.
AFF email address.

Premium Donating Member - $ 100

Larger avatar (150x150)
Premium DM Tag
Access to DM forum for 12 months
Gallery space increased to 20 Mb and the daily post limit increased to 20.
Attachment storage increased to 2.5 Mb.
PM storage increased to 200.
AFF email address.
20 Mb of webspace for personal use only.

The DM forum has more relaxed rules in terms of what can and can't be posted and additional content as an added benefit.

How to Donate?

Donations can be made via direct deposit or credit card using the instructions below.

Direct Deposit

BSB: 013-354
Account: 4974 67086
Account Name: Fordforums Australia Inc.
Bank: ANZ

Deposits should be identified with your forum user name and a PM sent to me advising that a donation has been made. Please allow a few days for setup to be completed although we will endeavour to create forum access immediately.

Credit Card

While we are waiting to install some software to automate the process we can process manual transactions via the PM system (which can't be accessed externally in the same way email can). The automated software should be operational within two weeks.

Anyone with questions should direct them to one of the admin team.

The Admin Team

(russellw, plext, Laminge, Spoolman, wulos)