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Old 06-02-2009, 06:37 PM   #143
Meep Meep
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Originally Posted by GK351
They should of spent the money on creating new projects, new dams railways roads tunnels hospitals schools etc.

Water is such an issue everywhere, QLD have lots of it but cant save it. Build a Dam you knobs.
NSW (sydney) roads are a shamble, 2 lane bottleneck knightmares everywere.
Rail networks are 15 years behind from the rest of the world. Yet we are bringing in
imigrants by the bucketloads and getting on the dole.

Create projects that way people will feel confident spending money and makeing it go around.

What will people that have lost their job in the last couple of months do with it? ($950)
When there is confidence and work people will spend, because next week is another dollar.

We have a winner. There were production halts in at Newcastle port during the dizzy highs off the boom. Yet we were unable to export anymore product because of outdated infastructure. Fuel, labour, materials will never be this cheap again rather than throwing money done the retail sectors throat we could use the recession as an oppertunity to retool, rebuild, retrain and develop new industries. That way when the next boom comes around we can enjoy even greater prosperity.

This wont happen though, it would take a strong political will and a wise electroate to see that 8% unemployment isn't life threatening (particularly when you have a welfare system and free health services).
Thundering on....
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