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Old 06-02-2009, 10:31 PM   #148
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Canberra
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Originally Posted by schnoods
Should be a 20 percent tax rate across the board.

Give some people an incentive to earn money, whilst the people who are more relaxed still pay tax too.

I hate to rant, but I'm sick to death to hear of people who think that just because you don't work in a factory, or in a mine, or on a building site that you don't work hard.

I don't see why you should get taxed more, the more you earn. It gives no one any incentive to earn the most you can when it's eaten up by tax.

Bludgers work in every field and there are always people that are overpaid but it has just been my experience that if you work in an office that people think you don't work hard. My father and brother have given me countless amounts of crap because I am not a butcher or a window maker.

Before you judge me, until recently I had been both a blue and white collar job so I know both ends of the stick.
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