Thread: Road Rage
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Old 01-11-2010, 01:36 AM   #71
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Originally Posted by svo supporter
Here's a lot of people calling the bloke in the VID an idiot etc, but no mention how much of an idiot the truckie was for being on some wakie wakie pills. Then again, that doesn't matter in anyones eyes does it? It wasn't them that nearly got cleaned up.

Before people think I've got it in for truckies. Think again. My father-in-law is a truckie. In my workplace, I deal with alot of them too. So I haven't got a set against them. Some of them are just out and out cowboys that are a danger to everyone, including themselves.
I didn't see a video of a truckie taking wakie wakie pills.
The video I saw showed a lunatic willing to endanger others.

What ever the truckie is reportedly guilty of, I can only hope they all receive the appropriate penalty for their actions.
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