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Old 06-07-2015, 11:00 PM   #18
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Default Re: 27mhz AM CB radio's

Originally Posted by burnz View Post
actually the old AM CB is getting a rebirth, as its Facebook page suggests .

and yes you have to tune the antenna to the radio an SWR meter will do the job if you can still buy them..

I have read about the web and some sites say the same. Im going to be fitting a 27mhz AM SSB radio to my vehicles, some mates of mine said they will too as we have use for it (not because the internet says so).
I have the right antenna on its way and access to a SWR it'll work mint

UHF simply does not have the range. Apparently theres a local repeater (in town), and another one two towns up, but still the airwaves remain quiet (except the odd passer by on weekends). Even with the addition of a 5ft antenna.

Can always use both anyway...27mhz for car to car + long distance and UHF ch40 for highway use.
Only yesterday on UHF ch40 i received a warning for an undercover cop rolling down the highway in none other than a Prado (first UC ive ever seen in such a vehicle).. it does have its occasional merits!

Ill just see how it goes anyway.
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