Thread: Crypto $$$
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Old 03-01-2018, 09:27 PM   #342
Plus Buster
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Default Re: Crypto $$$

I do not believe all will but i do KNOW alot will. There are too many of each...speciality that all differ in technologies and capabilities. In the end there can only be one!!!.
Blockchain technology is inevitably to take over the world as the way we know it. It can do things our current systems can't let alone it can do what our systems can now but 1000x better, faster and more efficiently, not to mention in some cases FREE. So to sum it up better (im **** house with making points and arguments sometimes haha) crypto has to come to a point where there will be 1 to do 1 job.

My most stressed point is RIPPLE MUST FAIL. If it does not the whole war thats being waged by crypto to pull the power from centralisation and men of power will be all for nothing and that is the whole hidden agenda behind the currency side of things.
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