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Old 14-08-2019, 07:22 PM   #726
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Default Re: Will the Holden brand survive?

Originally Posted by prydey View Post
I don't believe that for a second. The market is far too segmented. Trends change and our local product got left without a chair when the music stopped.
Yes but that's a self fulfilled prophecy, we're not investing in a car nobody wants, im not buying that car without the latest tech, we're not putting the latest tech into a car nobody wants and so on and so on until the bean counters say that'll do boys, no point flogging a dead horse and they all applaud the sound financial decision.
Both sides of the equation want to take the moral high ground, the customer for electing to exercise their right to choice over a product which is lacking and the manufacturer that points to the numbers as justification for reduced investment.

Now they're selling utes built in 3rd world countries with healthy profit margins, that certainly would have made it all easier to swallow.
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