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Old 28-08-2019, 01:08 AM   #191
Away on leave
Join Date: Apr 2019
Location: ACT
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Tech Writer: Recognition for the technical writers of AFF - Issue reason: Outstanding work on the FG ICC issues. Technical Contributor: For members who share their technical expertise. - Issue reason: The insane amount of work he has put into the Falcon FG ICC is unbelievable. He has shared everything he has done and made a great deal of it available to us all. He has definitely helped a great deal of us with no personal gains to himself. 
Default Re: Does Anyone Here Fly Drones??

The only thing mine don't do well is stable height at low altitudes. They are stupidly simple for everything else. Once you are 50m high it doesn't matter...

I've got some amazing video from around where I live, at a great height.

The reason height is a problem is, the MCU has a pressure sensor, but air pressure changes all the time, at all heights.

I don't know what the store bought ones are like though. A mate at work who bought one (much larger than mine) but a year earlier says, it's hard to stop it crashing.
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