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Old 01-03-2020, 01:10 PM   #337
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Tech Writer: Recognition for the technical writers of AFF - Issue reason: Outstanding work on the FG ICC issues. Technical Contributor: For members who share their technical expertise. - Issue reason: The insane amount of work he has put into the Falcon FG ICC is unbelievable. He has shared everything he has done and made a great deal of it available to us all. He has definitely helped a great deal of us with no personal gains to himself. 
Default Re: FORD technical service bulletin : ICC touch screen display

So, I've been contacted for more information about nav maps and I thought it would be good to put this information here:

FYI the OS is QNX 6.4.1

The only other way I can see to hack this unit is by sending in a magic CAN BUS signal, I don't know what it is because it comes from another micro-controller inside where I can't see the software, but I can see it is possible from the QNX update software on the unit, that it can be signalled to run a particular script from the USB stick. It won't help, but this is the file that's run /fs/usb0/image-usb-recore/

These are basic instructions or locations for more info...

Removing the ICC from the car:

Disassembling the screen and adding serial port wires:

Ordering a USB serial adaptor:
Please make sure you configure it for 3.3v usage!

Backup the unit's software to a USB stick:
mount -uw /dev/hd0
mount -uw /fs/usb0
cd /fs/usb0
cp -LR /etfsroot .
cp -LR /packages .
cp -LR /proc .

From there you will need to take a copy of the files that need replacing and update them, then copy them back - make sure you keep all the original files as a backup. "cp -f ..." may need to be used on exes to "force" the replacement of a running program.

Hack the exe (for more details on what file, see the next link too):

For the nav map files, I built a new "../MobileNavigator" folder. Make a copy of the old one somewhere and replace files with whatever files you have that are newer, I made sure the newer ones were renamed to what was already there - but I don't think it matters.

Copy the maps over, while keeping one backup - is described here:

Last edited by JasonACT; 01-03-2020 at 01:21 PM. Reason: When using the USB-Serial device, connect the ground using the cigar lighter socket.
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