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Old 08-07-2020, 01:19 AM   #283
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Default Re: KIA - Would you buy one?

Originally Posted by Express View Post
I have no problem with the reason why people buy or choose the cars they do and that includes if they buy them just for the badge alone.

Car enthusiasts, the people who frequent these types of Forums are notorious for buying cars without using logic, I fall into that category, I see many cars that make better sense when it comes down to value for money but value for money isn't in my DNA, I buy cars I can afford that I want to own.
Lol I'm law trained and can't make near money for an AMG. Tax, maintenance etc.

Falcons yes blah blah way but AMGs like just what?

Wealthy hey.

No wonder KIA no good if milliionare speaking.

Sadly some of us aren't, so we have to be realistic.
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