Thread: C tek
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Old 01-09-2020, 12:22 AM   #37
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Default Re: C tek

Originally Posted by gooseneck View Post
The passion isn't about battery chargers directly. Its about people unnecessarily wasting money and getting ripped off because they don't make an informed descision, they just walk slowly into Repco like zombies and plonk down cash and walk out.

You guys can pretend all you want that this is all about nasty big mean old me picking on people about buying C-tek chargers but thats not necesserially 100% the case. I'm only picking on you because you're idiots and are buying C-Teks without looking at the alternatives available first.

FEEL FREE to buy a C-tek charger.

I agree I got a bit bent out of shape in a post after this post but before this post I thought I was being reasonable with my demands for a blood and skull throne.
You've said your piece now let it rest.

Calling people idiots is a good way to (insert 4 letter word here) people off on this Forum. We can all have an informed discussion and may not agree with each other, but that what a Forum is all about, everyone has a different opinion. I, like most, always do my due diligence when buying something of value. Some people don't, they walk into a store or online and buy what they see in front of them, we are all different.

Please don't attack others of their purchase, that is entirely their decision. Why buy Nike when you can get Dunlop Volley, they do the same thing right?

Last edited by gossy; 01-09-2020 at 12:27 AM.
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