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Old 12-11-2020, 02:53 PM   #411
Join Date: Apr 2014
Posts: 625
Default Re: I want to quit smoking but i fail everytime

I hate smoking. I despise it. But I've been smoking for a couple decades.

In the past I was able to give it up for periods of time ranging from a couple months to a couple years, was fairly easy. But in the last month I've tried giving it a good go, and only lasted 2 days max. I've even tried cutting back and that last a day. I smoke 1/2 a 25g pouch per day. My mindset has changed and gone downhill I reckon since the previous attempts and its left me feeling almost suicidal because I've never let anything beat me, but I feel defeated for once.

The last few years I've gotten older, and happiness has gone, and basically I've tied in smoking with everything I do, to 'enhance' my life & bring some sort of joy....smoke with coffee, smoke while waiting for food to cook, smoke, after a good meal, smoke before, during & after any & every Hobbie or interest etc... Sounds stupid but it works for me. Giving up smoking currently feels like giving up life. Addiction is as bad as it gets
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