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Old 08-02-2021, 12:59 PM   #74
Peter Car
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Default Re: I see Chinese made MGs everywhere!

Originally Posted by oldel
You make a good point, the profit must be huge.
I wonder if the margins are out the factory gate or whether the AU distributor/SAIC australia (if it exists), make the cash because of "special AU" pricing?

Is it just me or does anyone else hate the way they downplay the Chinese part and play up the name?

Like they always say something along the lines of historical british marque (chinese owned said quietly). Rather than just saying be open and honest about the whole thing and stating it's a Chinese designed and manufactured car (the badge is irrelevant anyway, just a recycled name they bought to help flog the cars and motoring journalism is running with it for some reason -$$$$$)

E: to put it clearer these advertorials have done this since the brand relaunched. Muddy it up to make it sound like Chinese investors bought a British car factory, rather than the reality that a Chinese car factory just bought the rights to a badge.
I have noticed this in the Haval ads. Something along the lines of European design and safety? No mention of it being completely Chinese.
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