Thread: Vfacts March
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Old 08-04-2021, 11:57 PM   #21
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Default Re: Vfacts March

Originally Posted by Adamz Ghia View Post
Why shouldn’t Escape outsell them? Ford cannot be happy selling a couple of hundred a month while others are selling thousands.
This is a very simplistic outlook.

Yes, any manufacturer, regardless of industry, wants to sell as much product as they can. That's a given. If their competitors are selling x amount more, it goes without saying they would also like to be selling more, however it doesn't mean that the current sales level isn't profitable, or sustainable even.

If Ford sell everything that comes over on the boat then there isn't much more they can do.

How much does it cost to bring them over? How many vehicles does each dealership actually need to sell to remain open and profitable?

There are so many variables that its impossible to make assumptions based on monthly sales data.
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