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Old 26-07-2021, 09:10 AM   #25
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Default Re: You Don't own MY Reality

Originally Posted by slowsnake View Post
Got to disagree with you, we were always happy being male or female, boy and girl, man and woman! was never an issue until they invented this thing called Internet, or iphone!
Well no, people were persecuted for being anything other than straight as a die. They used to try and "treat" it with electroshock therapy, hormone therapy, chemical castration and lobotomies, remember? People were just very good at hiding and then no longer needed to when the government-backed prosecution ceased.

If you want to talk about things that the internet is responsible for, let's look at porn-induced erectile dysfunction in young men. Men in their 20s no longer able to have sex with a woman because they've trained their brain to only being able to get an erection watching porn. As if that's not bad enough, then they have to look at increasingly extreme material to get aroused as they've desensitised themselves.

I have always been happy being me, I don't want to project myself as a person who is better or more special than others, we are just human, not GenX or GenY or Rainbow children, or Millenials and the newest Alpha children!
Okay great, you love being you, that's wonderful. But now we've got a bunch of people speaking up saying that they don't love being them because they've been hiding and they want to be the real them, and have society hopefully treat them so. And your response is basically "**** you, you can't tell me what to do, men are men, women are women and that's all there is to it"? You can't be inclusive and wilfully ignorant at the same time.

We are male or female, you get the oddity of a hermaphrodite occasionally but basically we are designed to procreate, just like plants and animals!
We are designed to reproduce offspring, nothing else, two women can't produce a child nor can two men
I'd like to hope you're more than just an animal. Not that I'm speaking on behalf of all women but I think you'll find most women expect men to have evolved a little bit beyond being nothing more than just an animal with base reproductive instincts. There's so much more to life and I hope you get to experience it.

Humans are complex creatures with complex social structures and unfortunately a tendency to condition young boys and girls into their expected gender roles as adults. Most men have been conditioned into not being able to express any emotion other than anger as that's the only socially-acceptable one but it doesn't fly anymore. All these new gender changes will go hand in hand with also dismantling the rigid character roles that men are basically forced to act out and I'd think that a lot of men will be happy about that?

If you're too set in your ways to adapt to new cultural changes in society well that's up to you, noone can do it for for you and tbh noone wants to. If you have people in your life that you argue with over this sort of stuff then they'll probably just stop talking to you instead.
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