Thread: Farcebook
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Old 10-07-2022, 05:21 PM   #10
Kicking back
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Default Re: Farcebook

Originally Posted by arm79 View Post
A good friend once asked me to fix his PC. Windows has shat itself and it needed some delicate fingers to be massaged back to life.

When I got it all fixed I set the Internet Explorer homepage to or something like that.

Turns out it was his mums computer.
As a kid, changing the homepage was a good prank to pull when over at mates houses. I mean yeah, your mate didnt find it funny if they werent the first find out.
But the best was, so in the late 90s, early 2000s at school in the library we had computers and individual logins. So there was net nanny but one bloke worked out a sort of work around. That was the image search on the yahoo. So these days this would be considered bullying, but one girl he didnt get along with went to the bathroom but left the pc logged in. So this bloke looked up porn on the yahoo images on that pc, went and told the teacher and the girl got suspended for a week. Yes a complete dick move, but we all had a laugh.
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