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Old 23-11-2022, 05:39 PM   #15
Franco Cozzo
Thailand Specials
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Default Re: LDV eDeliver 9 Electric Van

Originally Posted by roKWiz View Post
Well for about 2 hours.
When you're doing last mile delivery across Melbourne like all these smaller trucks and vans, do you need more than 200km range?

My delivery run was 180km leaving from NW suburbs, going to NE then SE then back to the office again with only 8-10 drops and that would take 6-8 hours depending on traffic, all through metropolitan Melbourne.

You could easily do that with an electric truck or van.

Originally Posted by Dr Smith View Post
Seriously...I'd say clients at the moment just want stock to turn up, partially, some of it, part of it but just turn up somewhere within the millennium the booking office said it would....

You're going to have to give us some more the names...
Its probably going to be companies with ISO14001 in place who are going to start flexing on their suppliers, it'll be bigger businesses who have KPIs to meet on 'sustainable suppliers' or some nonsense.

It starts becoming prerequisites to have things like this to even get on a potential customers 'supplier list', if your company doesn't have an environmental management system in place then you won't make it onto their supplier list who they can purchase goods and services from.

I see my former employer is playing the green angle with their new electric forklift on their website, rather than the real story being their ****box 1984 Toyota forklift that leaks LPG finally crapped out and they had to replace it so they might as well as go electric

Me personally, I don't care what truck rocks up to deliver my goods, I just want it ASAP.

Given the price of diesel at the moment, how much closer are we to making EV's make finance sense from a running cost perspective?

Last edited by Franco Cozzo; 23-11-2022 at 05:56 PM.
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