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Old 21-03-2024, 08:58 PM   #312
Franco Cozzo
Thailand Specials
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Default Re: The Thailand Special Thread - New Developments/News

Originally Posted by smoo View Post
I don’t think they’ll eat into the established models sales at nearly twice the price.
They’ll just give more choice to those people FTE217 and myself described above, who can’t afford an $80k Ranger or Hilux.
They overlook a 3-5 year old Tanger/Hilux in favour of something new, even if it is cheap and nasty Chinese POS.
These guys are like those old white dudes who go to Thailand and Phillipines and bag a women half their age then parade them around but are too tone deaf to realise people are embarrassed for them, not impressed.

Realistically how many 70 series are out there being used for the same purpose a Thai special can fulfil, and do a better job at it.
Prob a good 9/10 if private sales.
I'm not expecting them to eat into established models sales, but all these Chinese companies introducing utes, are all releasing the exact same thing and trying to compete in a saturated market segment but with very mediocre offerings - why come out with something 125KW/400NM, what is the point of difference to the market?

No ones come out with a turbo unleaded job as a point of difference, and no ones come out with a single cab Hilux workmate competitor, they're all trying to compete at the mid range dual cab where there's 400,000 options.

The only thing they are doing is trying to compete on price alone and even then they're not that enticing.

Its like going to the supermarket and looking at the white bread section, theres 500,000 options of white bread and the new one coming next week at option 500,001 I won't even notice.

My local IGA has an entire wall dedicated to white bread.
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