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Old 10-06-2006, 02:07 PM   #10
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: Newcastle, NSW
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Originally Posted by XRchic
The only way to go for you at the moment would be to ideally stay/move back in with your parents and go and do year 12. There isnt much you can do without that. Apprentices often need year 12 these days.

From there, perhaps consider doing an apprenticeship - there are heaps of areas to do apprenticeships in and some of those trades pay quite well if you invest the time and effort in the early years.

I reckon a year or two at school will help you with a few things. It will help you improve your literacy and writing skills, it will help you get used to learning things, being assessed and dealing with pressure and it will also give you a good knowledge base in a range of things - there are plenty of subjects to choose which are interesting and which may be relevant to you. School is more than just learning about the history of a country or the sciences... there are other important things to learn about life.

Schools can often help you with career choices and help you pick something and get you into it.

You could also consider doing year 11 before doing year 12 as it might give you a good background. You can do both as an adult at quite a few schools around the place, and doing it as an adult can often be a very rewarding experience. You could also work part time while you are doing some schooling, say at a supermarket or a fast food place... as lame as it sounds, it will give you some good customer contact experience and retail experience, as well as working in a team etc etc.. all that stuff that looks good on a CV.

At the end of the day, you have to do what is right for you mate.


I was offered a apprenticeship, as a car mechanic for Subaru, last year, but they knocked me back, because they didn't think I would be able to handle the Tafe side of things.

One thing I do lack is self confidence, I am afraid to speak my mind and to talk to people I don't know. That's why I have a fear of communication over telephones.

Over time it has improved and I'm finding myself more and more confident with each interview I go to.

Also thanks for all your advice so far and thanks to the people who are going to give me advice, because I don't really feel like thanking people after every post. lol
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