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Old 11-08-2019, 10:41 PM   #2
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Default Re: Trump 2020 - Make The Hippies CRY Again

Originally Posted by Crazy Dazz View Post
I love the fact that the Yanks exercised their democratic right to elect a President of their Choosing.

But mostly what I love is the how of why it happened, and why its was such a huge shock to the pundits.

Unlike most, I have taken the time to read a lot about what happened and why. Most of it written by reputable, moderate, journalists.

Contrary to popular misconception, Trump wasn't elected by rednecks. Sure, the "red states" voted red, but that was never going to be enough, which is why his defeat was widely anticipated.

Trump won, by gutting the Democrat heartland. What has now come to be referred to as the "Rust Belt".
I have read some very interesting articles, quoting a diverse group of registered democrats, people who had voted democrat their whole lives, who turned and voted for Trump.

These people were sick of the years of broken promises, first under Clinton, and then under Obama. They watched their factories, jobs, towns, and communities go into deeper and deeper decline.

And the crazy thing is, they may just do it again.
To them, Trump is seen as somebody that keeps his promises, and for taking on China they see him as a hero.

There is something about this that resonates deeply with me.
I should be a Labor voter. I believe in creating and protecting Australian jobs. But I feel the Labor party has sold out the Australian worker for a bag of magic beans.

PS: I must also confess that I love that being seen to support Trump, winds the Greens supporters into apoplectic knots.
What i love is your stating that it was a shock all things considered from the get go my money was on Trump being the next president,not a Trump supporter at all,if i have the mis-fortune to be watching the television and he appears i change channels if the remotes handy even if it means suffering through a few ads Personally i could give a ****e about America/Trump or China for that matter but do pay my mortgage/buy my toys blah blah by working for a Chinese owned company,all very well for a politician to promise many things to supposed patriots but when suddenly nothing happens (again) they will move on Love the "reputable,moderate" journalist thing to,be a great TUI ad.
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