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Old 23-06-2008, 11:20 PM   #32
Regular Schmuck
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Originally Posted by pejamas
When the rain is that bad that i have whippers on full blast and still cant see? don't really see how that's "stupid" to have the lights on so i can see somewhat better. I don't see how my opinion is worth squat and yours is though..
Are you seriously expecting anyone to believe that BA front fogs helped you see better in torrential rain? I had a BA for 4 years, I know how far the fogs project, if you relied on them at all to see infront of you in torrential rain, you would have hit whatever it was that the front fogs illuminated before you could have done anything about it.

Being one that's dazzled by fog lights, I'm all for the police enforcing it. If the rain is that bad, pull over.
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