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Old 13-09-2008, 02:02 PM   #40
Starter Motor
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 22

Originally Posted by simpson
what about this one. got done for speeding in company van. 74 in a 60 zone. had only done about 400 yards after pulling into moving traffic so didnt know i was goin that fast so there you go. the thing is the cop recorded my licence number wrong, not a few letters but totally wrong. he also put in the state section where i was born, not where my licence was issued. just for example, british driving licence, born in france so in the state section, he wrote in france. now i have 3 choices. pay the fine knowing that my licence is not on their system. challenge it and hope they dont ask me to submit my licence to correct the ticket. or do nothing and then get a bollocking off my boss when they cancel the registration on his van. they cant put points on my licence as its not an aussie one but cop said i have to change my licence to oz one. a licence is a licence in my book so not gonna change it so they get the satisfaction of giving me points. what do u guys think i should do?
mite just pay it an pay more att next time
In most states and in NSW inparticular you only have 3 months on an overseas licence and then you are deemed an unlicensed driver and if caught you are charged. There are a few exemptions but I am not sure what your circumstances are. In regards to the ticket you received it's a bit of a catch 22 for you. Don't pay it and rego gets cancelled on van and then boss will nominate the driver anyway, pay it and it goes away but your out of pocket or challenge it at court and hope the Magistarte sees things your way although the indictment for speeding does not mention licence numbers only your name. In the end it is up to you and another thing to think about if you prang a car and immigration checks are done and it is established you have been in Oz for 3 months or more the insurance company will not pay any claim regardless if you are at fault or not.
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