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Old 15-05-2010, 10:48 AM   #82
Now XR5hatch!
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Originally Posted by xtgt1968
Mondeo sales - my sister bought a new Mondeo in the 1990s. Good car etc. BUT spare parts expensive compared to a Falcon as was the initial purchase price. Things failed on the car at 20,000k, that would on a 1990s Falcon normally last till 150,000. The current model is as expensive as a Falcon, so why buy it? The latest Falcon is a world class car, that unfortunately Australians don't appreciate enough. If we loose Falcon manufacturing in Australia, then our only equivalents would be Mercs or BMWs, if we can afford one. I only wish the current Fairmont front design was not so similar to the Mondeo's. I belive this similarity is negatively effecting Fairmont sales, especially when both cars are in a dealer's yard side by side.

How can you judge the current model mondeo based on the a model from the past?

Its just a name, just because YOU think the old mondeo was garbage, why does the new one have to be crap just because of name sake? If it was called a falcon would you love it more?

It may be as expensive as a falcon, but for some is a nicer car. Just like some people think the falcon is a better car. Everyone has an opinion on which is better, neither is wrong. Each car caters for a slightly different customer.

What we do know however is that both vehicles are great, pick the one you like and be happy. Don't get upset that not everyone wants to drive a taxi cab, and if we all did buy falcons and support it what a boring world we would live in. No more different cars to perv at.

And as for the fairmont not selling because the front clip looks like a mondeo, that is one of the most ridiculous things I've heard. It doesn't look anything alike IMO and I'd hazard a guess its not selling as well because of the other great options in the falcon range like the G6E turbo tec.

And for the record at my place we have 3 falcons (2 are v8, one I6), a XR5 mondeo, and a XR5 focus, plus some other non-ford cars. They are all great cars in their own right. Im not anti-falcon, far from it. I just realise a great car when I DRIVE one.
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