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Old 12-08-2010, 05:52 PM   #84
Jim Goose
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
Join Date: Feb 2010
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Originally Posted by castellan
Having a state gov really cost f all.
The money saved means f all, if there incompetent.
It works in Europe. no one is saying it can't work. it worked in Hitlers Germany to mate.
By rights we should have a healthy democracy with state powers. it's a insurance policy against toss pot dictators mate.

I have a mate that carries on just like you who is a member in the liberal party. all he raves on about is saving money but can't see anything other than money! and he should know better because his parents had to leave there country, because of dictators.
The "alternative" is there is nothing wrong with the states that we have but it's the half wits running it that are fools.
Like i said incompetence is incompetence, do i have to explain that to ya. changing the goal post won't fix anything.

You have read what the thread is about?

Liberal party? and?
Utterly amazing.....
(sorry but in case you missed all the other idiotic posts, I have been called a commie and now you using a Liberal parralel?)
In any case, this isnt about Party polictics...

Again you havent told me which bit is hogwash.
Usually when you debate/ bring your point across is to come up with something valid in order to show how the other guy is wrong etc....

The best you can do is Germany and Hitler?

I'll say it again, it works in Europe.
You've seen it, you've heard it and your still asking questions??

Don't write off the Goose until you see the box going into the hole....
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