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Old 22-06-2016, 08:40 PM   #25
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Default Re: The Camping Thread

my next camping experience won't be until the weather warms up again, which will likely be the october school holidays.

at least it gives me a chance to save up and buy more kit. Our inaugural camping trip back in April, we borrowed a few things rather than buy, as we weren't sure how it was all going to go and it was a way to keep the costs down. i need to buy a gas stove and maybe an ice box, although my brothers ice box will likely always be available to borrow so thats not critical.

looking at the primus premium 2 burner in a 3 burner size, as this allows two larger items at the same time. not looking at anything too fancy, but have noticed these

apparently they have a windblock system that removes the need for a surround. anyone have any experience with this sort of thing?

the other thing i borrowed was a small folding solar panel for charging phones. i'd like to buy my own setup for this but don't really need anything extravagent as we found last time we didn't really use our phones much or need the power. how do you work out how much power your phones will draw for a full charge? if my phone battery is around 2000mAH and i get a 6000mAH power bank, does this mean its good for 3 full charges? (those are example numbers, not actual specs) Also, i've noticed you can get those car jump starter packs that have usb outlets, but they are rated in Amps. how would i work out how many charges i'd get out of one of those types of things. sorry for the questions. electrics isn't something i'm good at.
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