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Old 07-03-2019, 02:06 AM   #29
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Default Re: MD Diesel Transmission Woes

Sorry to hear you've been knocked back on this occasion. Unfortunately, based on what I've seen and experienced, their response isn't all that surprising to me. I think even when they got nailed in the courts by the ACCC (which was about them misleading consumers about their rights under ACL), they never acknowledged the Powershift problems constituted a dangerous or major failure, did they?

To be fair, if you've enjoyed (I assume) 2-3 years of ownership, then 1-2 months of trouble strictly as a proportion probably doesn't fail the "reasonable" test, frustrating though it is. In my experience, they take a very white-and-black approach to this kind of thing, and an attitude that they don't owe the customer anything. I don't know why they have to be this way, when as you say if they'd just get behind the customer when you need the help, it would go such a long way to fostering repeat custom and goodwill. I myself have had my sour experience like you, and like you when it comes to the next car for me or family members I won't be shopping the blue oval, their loss.

Now IANAL and maybe it hasn't been an unreasonable amount of time yet, but as Cav posted earlier, Australian Consumer Law is on your side. The longer they take to (not) fix the problem from here then the stronger a case you'd have if you were to commence a legal proceeding (as they so generously invite you to) so I'm certain you'll be able to get a favourable outcome in the end, but it's a disgrace they'll make you pull teeth to get there.

Thanks for keeping us informed.
2011 Mondeo MC Titanium TDCi wagon, Panther Black
- new Powershift sensor: Nov 2016

Originally Posted by rondeo View Post
Like 'Mondeo' is possibly Latin for gearbox anxiety.
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