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Old 05-06-2021, 01:06 PM   #1498
Kicking back
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Wink Re: Why is it.................?

Originally Posted by MITCHAY View Post
Why is it when I phoned a medical practice the other day and after asking me all the usual questions, they send me a link to fill in literally most of all the same details for some cloud product they use
Probably the same reason i got yelled at when i went to a neurologist for nerve conduction studies on my left arm that didnt work. Im left handed. I got handed the paperwork after handing over my refferal. Read it and handed the paperwork back blank. I read their paperwork, they didnt read mine. I couldn't handwrite.
And the last time i went to my GP, it wasnt because i was sick, i needed copies of medical records. Their policy (this was late last year) was do not attend if you are sick. That kind of defeats the purpose. How the crap is a GP supposed to diagnose anything properly over the phone? Even though i attended due to just wanting records released for reasons im not getting into, i still had to wait outside for a phonecall from my GP, of whom i trust, to confirm again through all the same questions that im not a desiesed rat, just to be able to enter the building.
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