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Old 14-06-2021, 09:06 PM   #179
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Default Re: Alleged War Crimes by Australian Soldiers

Originally Posted by Cav View Post
The incident you are referring to is a photograph of diggers drinking from the prosthetic leg.

The enemy hid stuff in their legs, that's why they are removed.

I have not seen any photos that show BRS drinking from the leg.

And even if he had, so what?
Presuming the stories are true for a second... he killed an unarmed guy.. took his leg and then paraded it around as some sort of trophy. What kind of animal does that? It makes statements about his character and shows he has no moral compass. I gather you think it's okay?

Originally Posted by Cav View Post
You failed to answer my question.

What would you do?
I would report him and let the military justice system handle it.

Originally Posted by Cav View Post
The point of the story is that he is the enemy and he is responsible for the death of mates.
Is he though? In your story he was an unarmed civilian, an old farmer. I could definitely be wrong but isn't this all covered by the geneva conventions? Why has an old unarmed farmer now become the enemy?

BRS's alleged bad deeds aren't forgotten because of his good deeds, noone is above accountability. If it's all a big mistake and all the people testifying against him turn out to be discredited or disgruntled due to jealosy... then it'll all come out in the wash and his reputation will be restored. Until then, where there's smoke there's fire, or some such.