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Old 29-02-2024, 07:23 PM   #2925
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Default Re: Car Detailing - What products are your go to?

Originally Posted by fordomatic View Post
I find perl just as good as 303.

Little real world scenario, I cleaned the dash of my P250 with APC and afterwards my dash was sapped of all moisture and was very dull. I freaked out and put some 303 on and it made no change. The dash was so dry and I thought I had ruined it. Put some Perl 1:8 on it and no change, cue more stressing as my P250 is immaculate.

I can't remember the ratio i ended up using, maybe 1:1 or 1:2 but it sorted it out. It's been over a year now and the dash is totally fine and I haven't even dressed it again as I wanted to make sure it was ok.

I also use Perl as a tyre dressing and in the engine bay.
I remember when that happened, I was so worried on your behalf.

I was actually having an argument about this on Autogeek last week, someone was asking about what APC they should use on their interior. My comment was that you really don't need an APC for interior cleaning, that there are much safer pH neutral interior cleaners that clean perfectly well without posing the risk of causing damage like a high pH APC can.

And then the good-old yankie boys came out of the woodwork, one claiming that he had been using Meguiar's D101 APC on interiors forever and had no issues. I was actually waiting for those comments by the way, the sort of guys who have never used anything but Meguiar's because that's what they have always used, but never thought that maybe things have moved on since 1999. If Meguiar's did offer a pH neutral interior cleaner, they would have been shouting from the rooftops about it instead of D101.

This also formed part of my response -

"I see so many Youtubers hosing interiors down with APC, sometimes blasted with steam in the process, and shudder at what could happen. Granted, some of those interiors are filthy, but they are also quite often older interiors with 10-20 years of age on them. You can be sure they won't be showing before and after shots of an interior turned white after using APC."

"Quoted from another poster in a previous thread on the topic -

"Meguiars D101 has a pH of 13 in concentrate. That is one level below oven cleaner. Diluted 10:1 it has a pH of 11.959. Diluted 50:1 it has a pH of 11.292. It seems a bit too alkaline for interiors."

I'm not saying APC or D101 doesn't have its place, but unless you are dealing with a putrid interior, you can clean just as effectively with a pH neutral cleaner. Even on my daily drivers that I attend to, one of them from a heavy smoker, I never require such alkalinity. As for the garage queens, again, its either an interior detailer or simply a damp towel.

Now, if you are a pro detailer tasked with cleaning heavily soiled and neglected interiors, sure, I can see the value in having a heavy duty APC."
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