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Old 26-10-2008, 06:43 PM   #3
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 12,077

They are using the "high beam" bit of the legislation.

Here is an interesting hypothetical.

You are driving along and the are a mob of moo cattles all over the road just on the exit of a blind corner. Just after you safely pass the aformentioned hazard you see a school bus coming it the other direction.

Is it illegal to flash the bus to warn them of danger? Of course not. I would suggest you have a duty of care to other road users to prevent danferous situations.

In Queensland speed cameras can, by law, only be positioned in known and documented black spots. This is different to other states.

So therefore if you are flashing an oncoming motorist they MUST be about to enter a known dangerous area otherwise there would not be a speed camera there so therefore you are acting in the interest of safety rather than how Captain Bligh sees it (defrauding the government of road tax income).

The radio stations won their little fight because they argued that their broadcasts would help slow traffic in known dangerous places (blackspots) and if the reason for the cameras was safety then they were helping (and if the reason for cameras were publicly admitted as revinue gathering, all hell would break loose as THAT would be illegal).

It is all a load of crap, they have to prove you were interfering and as long as you use LOW BEAM (not high or W lights) and do not admit it on tape when they roll you they are stuffed.

P.S. Those of you who know me know where I get this stuff from
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