27-06-2005, 08:13 PM
ĕm-bär'gō? 2016
Falcon Celebrates 45 Years - The Falcon in Australian History
XK (1960-62) National Service ends. Jack Brabham wins F1 World Championship for second time. D.H. Lawrence's "The Trial of Lady Chatterley's Lover" banned.
XL (1962-63) Aborigines in Queensland, NT and WA get the vote. Rod Laver wins Grand Slam. "The Twist" dance craze takes off.
XM (1964-1965) Beatlemania hits Australia. Donald Campbell sets a new world land speed record. Voyager sinks, 82 dead.
XP (1965-1966) Government brings back conscription. Decimal currency is introduced. Australia sends 800 troops to Vietnam.
XR (1966-68) Australian involvement in the Vietnam War escalates. Ronald Ryan hanged. Harold Holt disappears, feared drowned.
XT (1968-69) NSW introduces the breathalyser. Australia's first heart transplant. Jo Bjelke-Petersen becomes Queensland Premier.
XW (1969-70) John Gorton re-elected. More than 200,000 march in protest against the Vietnam War.
XY (1970-72) Australian troops ordered home from Vietnam. Neville Bonner becomes first Aboriginal MP. Qantas launches Boeing 747.
XA (1972-73) Gough Whitlam elected. Shane Gould wins three gold medals in Munich. Cleo is launched with male nude centrefold.
XB (1973-76) Women secure equal pay. Voting age drops from 21 to 18. Opera House opens.
Cyclone Tracey hits Darwin. FM radio and colour TV launched. Whitlam sacked.
XC (1976-79) Cigarette ads banned. ABBA arrives. Democrat Party launched. World Series Cricket begins. Queensland bans public protests. Melbourne's West Gate Bridge opens.
XD (1979-82) Australia's first uranium mine opened. Lotto launched. First test-tube Australian born. Azaria Chamberlain goes missing.
XE (1982-84) Random breath-testing introduced in NSW. Chamberlains found guilty of murdering Azaria. Ash Wednesday bushfires.
XF (1984-88) Unleaded petrol launched. BLF deregistered. Crocodile Dundee released. Stock market crashes.
EA (1988-91) Darling Harbour opens. Chamberlains acquitted. Pilots' dispute. Earthquake hits Newcastle. Australian troops to Iraq.
EB (1991-1993) Labor drops Hawke for Keating. Sydney Harbour Tunnel opens. Compass Airlines collapses.
ED (1993-1994) Sydney wins bid to host 2000 Olympic Games. Bushfires wreak havoc in Sydney. Fred Hollows dies.
EF (1994-1996) Backpacker murderer Ivan Milat on trial. Spanish Court refuses to deport Christopher Skase. Allan Border retires.
EL (1996-1998) Port Arthur Massacre. Pat Rafter wins US Open. Dollar sinks to record low. One Nation outpolls Liberal Party in Qld.
AU (1998-2002) INXS lead singer Michael Hutchence dies. Australia votes "No" to a Republic. GST introduced. Cathy Freeman opens Sydney Olympics.
BA (2002-2005) John Howard becomes second longest serving PM. Australian troops take part in Iraqi War. Governor General Peter Hollingsworth resigns. Adelaide-Darwin rail link completed. Lleyton Hewitt wins Wimbledon.
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